
Brahmanbaria Medical College


Brahmanbaria Medical College

Brahmanbaria district is found within the eastern a part of Bangladesh. Once the region was a neighborhood of Samatat state. Later it had been included within the Tripura district in 1970. the primary and temporary capital of Isa Khan was at Sarail, 10 km north of Brahmanbaria Town. Swadeshi movement (1905), Peasant movement (1930) No-rent movement, War of Liberation Movement (1971), etc are the remarkable chapters of the region. Brahmanbaria was promoted as a municipality in 1869. After the liberation of Bangladesh, Brahmanbaria was declared as a neighborhood on 15 February 1984.


Mode of Payment:
Payment of admission fees, Development fees, Donation, and every one other charges (US$ 32,250.00).
During admission:
Description Amount (US $)
1st year at the time of admission & seat booking 19,000.00
Registration Fee of DU & BMDC 2,000.00
Tuition Fee(2nd Year) 6,000.00
Tuition Fee(3rd Year) 6,000.00
Tuition Fee(4th Year) 6,000.00
Tuition Fee(4th Year) 6,000.00
Total US$ : 45,000.00
In words: Forty-Five thousand US dollars only.

Note: If any student doesn’t perform their internship training during this institute (MCWH) she is going to get a refund of USD 2170. the entire amount then to be paid USD (45000-2170) = USD 42830.

Note: Foreign Student Agent Consultancy generally fee USD 3000.

Hostel accommodation fee per annum approximately: US$ 800.00

At the time of admission, all students will need to pay a minimum of 1 (01) year hostel seat rent beforehand if they desire to measure during a hostel. Hostel accommodation fees are an equivalent as local students for one year. All students will clear their hostel seat rent before appearing within the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Final professional MBBS examination. If they fail within the Final Professional MBBS Examination, they’re going to need to pay US$ 800.00 (Eight hundred US Dollars) for every attempt altogether subjects and US$ 267.00 for every subject. All students will clear their tuition & others fees goodbye they continue their regular courses. All students need to pay the other charges which can be imposed by the concerned authority associated with the MBBS course, like RFST, study tour, autopsy visit, etc.